Results for 'Daniel Fernandes Gusmão'

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  1. "O que pode um corpo?”.Daniel Fernandes Gusmão & Antônio Wagner Veloso Rocha - forthcoming - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte.
    O presente artigo analisa o modo como o desejo corresponde à força motriz do processo de liberação e autonomia corporal vivido pelo protagonista do romance Lavoura arcaica (1989), de Raduan Nassar. Para tanto, tomamos como base os estudos de Paul Zumthor (2018), Baruch Spinoza (1973), Gilles Deleuze (1968; 2009) e Gilles Deleuze; Félix Guattari (2010), Merleau-Ponty (2006; 2009). Apresentamos uma pesquisa de cunho interpretativo-qualitativo, sendo que, a partir do enredo do referido romance, evidenciamos a importância do desejo na potencialização da (...)
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    Modeling the Developmental Patterning of Finiteness Marking in English, Dutch, German, and Spanish Using MOSAIC.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine, Javier Aguado-Orea & Fernand Gobet - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (2):311-341.
    In this study, we apply MOSAIC (model of syntax acquisition in children) to the simulation of the developmental patterning of children's optional infinitive (OI) errors in 4 languages: English, Dutch, German, and Spanish. MOSAIC, which has already simulated this phenomenon in Dutch and English, now implements a learning mechanism that better reflects the theoretical assumptions underlying it, as well as a chunking mechanism that results in frequent phrases being treated as 1 unit. Using 1, identical model that learns from child‐directed (...)
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    Modeling the Development of Children's Use of Optional Infinitives in Dutch and English Using MOSAIC.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine & Fernand Gobet - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (2):277-310.
    In this study we use a computational model of language learning called model of syntax acquisition in children (MOSAIC) to investigate the extent to which the optional infinitive (OI) phenomenon in Dutch and English can be explained in terms of a resource-limited distributional analysis of Dutch and English child-directed speech. The results show that the same version of MOSAIC is able to simulate changes in the pattern of finiteness marking in 2 children learning Dutch and 2 children learning English as (...)
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    Simulating the cross-linguistic pattern of Optional Infinitive errors in children’s declaratives and Wh- questions.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine, Gary Jones & Fernand Gobet - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):61-76.
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    Relações Étnicas, Educação e Cidadania - Apresentação.Daniel Valério Martins, Marcos Fernandes-Sobrinho & Alfredo Guillermo Rajo Serventich - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):1-5.
    Apresentação do Dossiê - "Relações Étnicas, Educação e Cidadania".
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    Métaphysique d'Ibn Gabirol et de la tradition platonicienne.Fernand Brunner & Daniel Schulthess - 1997 - Routledge.
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    Mastery in Goal Scoring, T-Pattern Detection, and Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Tiago Fernandes & Raúl Hileno - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Attributions toward Artificial Agents in a modified Moral Turing Test.Eyal Aharoni, Sharlene Fernandes, Daniel Brady, Caelan Alexander, Michael Criner, Kara Queen, Javier Rando, Eddy Nahmias & Victor Crespo - 2024 - Scientific Reports 14 (8458):1-11.
    Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) raise important questions about whether people view moral evaluations by AI systems similarly to human-generated moral evaluations. We conducted a modified Moral Turing Test (m-MTT), inspired by Allen et al. (Exp Theor Artif Intell 352:24–28, 2004) proposal, by asking people to distinguish real human moral evaluations from those made by a popular advanced AI language model: GPT-4. A representative sample of 299 U.S. adults first rated the quality of moral evaluations when blinded to their source. (...)
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    Do young children have adult-like syntactic categories? Zipf’s law and the case of the determiner.Julian M. Pine, Daniel Freudenthal, Grzegorz Krajewski & Fernand Gobet - 2013 - Cognition 127 (3):345-360.
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    Estudo preliminar para a construção de uma escala de agressividade para universitários.Fermino Fernandes Sisto, Daniel Bartholomeu, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos Santos, Fabián Javier Marín Rueda & Adriana Cristina Boulhoça Suehiro - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28 (28):77-90.
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    Ethical regulation of biomedical research in Brazil: a quality improvement initiative.Daniel Ribeiro Paes de Castro, Camilo Hernan Manchola Castillo, João Paulo Dias Ferreira, João Paulo Alves Oliveira, Tassila Fernandes Kirsten, Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Lisiane Silveira Zavalhia, Regina Kuhmmer Notti, Renata Kochhann & Sérgio Luís Amantéa - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Background Q-CEP (Qualificação dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa que compõem o Sistema CEP/Conep) is a nationwide project resulting from a partnership between the Brazilian National Research Ethics Commission (Conep), the Ministry of Health and Hospital Moinhos de Vento (HMV). It was developed to consolidate policy for ethical review of research with human beings in all members of the CEP/Conep System, Brazil’s national system of institutional review boards. The aim of this study was therefore to report on the experience and (...)
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    O monoteísmo (Judaísmo, Cristianismo, Islamismo) religiões intolerantes?Félix Neefjes, Reynaldo Luiz Calvo & Daniel José Fernandes Rocha - 1997 - Horizonte 1 (2):17-27.
    O presente artigo procura sintetizar o debate entre três autores sobre o Cristianismo e Religiões. Sendo o Cristianismo o tema central, a sua atitude em relação a outras religiões é apresentada numa forma mais ampla por Frei Félix Neefjes. Depois discute-se o Judaísmo (Reynaldo Luiz Calvo) e o Islamismo (Daniel José Fernandes Rocha) e as atitudes recíprocas entre essas três religiões.
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    Infinity. Edited by Daniel O. Dahlstrom, David T. Ozar, Leo Sweeney.Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (61):122-122.
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  14. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    The first AI4TSP competition: Learning to solve stochastic routing problems.Yingqian Zhang, Laurens Bliek, Paulo da Costa, Reza Refaei Afshar, Robbert Reijnen, Tom Catshoek, Daniël Vos, Sicco Verwer, Fynn Schmitt-Ulms, André Hottung, Tapan Shah, Meinolf Sellmann, Kevin Tierney, Carl Perreault-Lafleur, Caroline Leboeuf, Federico Bobbio, Justine Pepin, Warley Almeida Silva, Ricardo Gama, Hugo L. Fernandes, Martin Zaefferer, Manuel López-Ibáñez & Ekhine Irurozki - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 319 (C):103918.
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  16. Rules and exemplars in language acquisition.Rens Bod, Gideon Borensztajn, Daniel Freudenthala, Julian Pinea & Fernand Gobetb - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Characterization of Reproductive and Morphological Variables in Female Elite Futsal Players.Marcos Roberto Queiroga, Danilo Fernandes da Silva, Sandra Aires Ferreira, Vinícius Müller Reis Weber, Daniel Zanardini Fernandes, Timothy Gustavo Cavazzotto, Bruno Sergio Portela, Marcus Peikriszwili Tartaruga, Matheus Amarante Nascimento & Edgar Ramos Vieira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We aimed to characterize the age of onset of training, age at menarche, menstrual periodicity, and performance perception during the menstrual cycle and examined the impact of these reproductive variables on body composition, morphology, and body weight satisfaction in Brazilian elite futsal players. The study consisted of 115 female Brazilian elite futsal players from the top national teams. Data were collected during the twentieth Women’s Brazil Futsal Cup. Players were interviewed and self-reported their age of onset of training, age at (...)
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    The Role and Responsibility of the Moral Philosopher. Edited by Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Desmond J. Fitzgerald, John T. Noonan Jr. [REVIEW]Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (61):127-127.
  19. Fernand Brunner, philosophe (1920-1991).Daniel Schulthess - 1992 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 42:1.
    In commemoration of Ferdinand Brunner (1929-1991), a short biography of this important figure in Swiss and French intellectual life.
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    History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies.Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
    The thought and work of the Jesuit Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) is widely acknowledged as the culmination point of the contribution of the theologians and jurists of the so-called School of Salamanca to the development of modern Western law. This collection of studies on the legal work of Suárez explores some of his major forays into the law. Both his theoretical system-building as well as his interventions in practical questions are covered. Next to discussions on the nature of law and its (...)
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    Logique de la mappemonde: note sur l'espace (pourquoi méditerranéen?).Alexandre Castant - 2012 - Trézélan: Filigranes Éditions.
    Les paysages méditerranéens? La construction de leur histoire comme l'expérience de leur aventure esthétique sont fécondées par les migrations, les nomadismes, les rencontres et les commerces géographiques (Fernand Braudel, La Méditerranée). Dans cette perspective, cet essai rend d'abord compte d'une poétique à l'oeuvre dans l'espace méditerranéen, puis d'une représentation en excès où se manifeste un goût des artistes méditerranéens pour l'art des contraires... Les paysages y apparaîtront, dès lors, comme une plate-forme de rencontres inter-sémiotiques, comme une mer des passages entre (...)
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    Les Olympiques de Descartes.Fernand Hallyn & René Descartes (eds.) - 1995 - Genève: Libr. Droz.
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    Essais sur le relativisme et la tolérance.Fernand Ouellet - 2000 - [Sainte-Foy, Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval. Edited by Susan Khin Zaw.
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    Le fronton oriental du temple archaïque d'Apollon, à Delphes.Fernand Courby - 1914 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 38 (1):327-350.
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    Monde et être chez Heidegger.Fernand Couturier - 1971 - Montreal,: Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
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  26. Expert and “novice” problem solving strategies in chess: Sixty years of citing de Groot (1946).Fernand Gobet, Peter McLeod & Merim Bilalić - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (4):395-408.
    In a famous study of expert problem solving, de Groot (1946/1978) examined how chess players found the best move. He reported that there was little difference in the way that the best players (Grand Masters) and very good players (Candidate Masters) searched the board. Although this result has been regularly cited in studies of expertise, it is frequently misquoted. It is often claimed that de Groot found no difference in the way that experts and novices investigate a problem. Comparison of (...)
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  27. A pattern-recognition theory of search in expert problem solving.Fernand Gobet - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (4):291 – 313.
    Understanding how look-ahead search and pattern recognition interact is one of the important research questions in the study of expert problem solving. This paper examines the implications of the template theory Gobet & Simon, 1996a , a recent theory of expert memory, on the theory of problem solving in chess. Templates are chunks Chase & Simon, 1973 that have evolved into more complex data structures and that possess slots allowing values to be encoded rapidly. Templates may facilitate search in three (...)
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  28. Varieties of Epistemic Freedom.Alison Fernandes - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (4):736-751.
    When we deliberate about what to do, we appear to be free to decide on different options. Three accounts use ordinary beliefs to explain this apparent freedom—appealing to different types of ‘epistemic freedom’. When an agent has epistemic freedom, her evidence while deliberating does not determine what decision she makes. This ‘epistemic gap’ between her evidence and decision explains why her decision appears free. The varieties of epistemic freedom appealed to might look similar. But there is an important difference. Two (...)
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  29. Le philosophe et le monde d'aujourd'hui.Fernand Brunner - 1972 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 22:38.
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    Pour une poétique des idées: Le livre du monde, ou les ramifications d'une métaphore.Fernand Hallyn - 2005 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 67 (2):225-245.
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    Un vase chypriote à figure humaine.Fernand Mayence - 1946 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 70 (1):369-373.
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    Five Seconds or Sixty? Presentation Time in Expert Memory.Fernand Gobet & Herbert A. Simon - 2000 - Cognitive Science 24 (4):651-682.
    For many years, the game of chess has provided an invaluable task environment for research on cognition, in particular on the differences between novices and experts and the learning that removes these differences, and upon the structure of human memory and its paramaters. The template theory presented by Gobet and Simon based on the EPAM theory offers precise predictions on cognitive processes during the presentation and recall of chess positions. This article describes the behavior of CHREST, a computer implementation of (...)
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    Ethical issues experienced by intensive care unit nurses in everyday practice.Maria I. D. Fernandes & Isabel M. P. B. Moreira - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):0969733012452683.
    This research aims to identify the ethical issues perceived by intensive care nurses in their everyday practice. It also aims to understand why these situations were considered an ethical issue and what interventions/strategies have been or are expected to be developed so as to minimize them. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview with 15 nurses working at polyvalent intensive care units in 4 Portuguese hospitals, who were selected by the homogenization of multiple samples. The qualitative content analysis identified end-of-life (...)
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    At the Center.Jodi Fernandes - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (1).
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    Pour un supplément au Discours de la méthode.Fernand Prunier - 1971 - Paris,: A. Blanchard.
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    Intelligence and Philosophy.Delamar José Volpato Dutra & Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand - 2024 - Filosofia Unisinos 25 (1):1-15.
    The article discusses which philosophical tools are indispensable and fundamental for understanding the meaning of technology in modern times. It focuses on the debate about artificial intelligence "replacing thought". It provides philosophical criteria for evaluating the rupture between humanism and technology and possible interpretative and analytical choices about human cognition and the possibility of its duplication by machines. It raises ethical and legal issues in the current debates involving Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy, in the sense of the need to regulate (...)
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    Déesse entre cavaliers formant pied de miroir.Fernand Chapouthier - 1929 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 53 (1):42-69.
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    Bibliographia Gotica. A Bibliography of Writings on the Gothic Language to the End of 1940.Fernand Mossé - 1950 - Mediaeval Studies 12 (1):237-324.
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  39. Groundwork for weak analysis.António M. Fernandes & Fernando Ferreira - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):557-578.
    This paper develops the very basic notions of analysis in a weak second-order theory of arithmetic BTFA whose provably total functions are the polynomial time computable functions. We formalize within BTFA the real number system and the notion of a continuous real function of a real variable. The theory BTFA is able to prove the intermediate value theorem, wherefore it follows that the system of real numbers is a real closed ordered field. In the last section of the paper, we (...)
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    La Technique comme Destin et Liberté.Fernand Couturier - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):19.
    L'envahissement de l'espace par la technique est un fait accompli. Non seulement l'espace physique et l'espace organisationnel, mais aussi l'espace du discours et celui de l'écriture sont déjà bien occupés. La technique est en effet devenue un sujet de conversation quotidien, remplit les colonnes de toutes sortes de journaux et de revues et fait l'objet d'un nombre considérable d'études monographiques. Alors pourquoi ce titre encore qui risque d'aggraver le resserrement des habitants des lieux et hâter leur étouffement?
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    Violência escolar e racionalidade comunicativa.Adrielly Benigno de Moura, Francisco Ribeiro dos Santos Júnior & Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:292-307.
    Compreender a violência na sociedade contemporânea requer o mapeamento dos fatores geradores de atos violentos bem como sua prevenção por meio de políticas públicas e de processos educacionais. Este artigo traz algumas reflexões sobre a racionalidade comunicativa e a violência escolar no contexto da crescente exclusão social e a crise de horizontes utópicos para a construção da educação e da formação de sujeitos de direitos. A abordagem metodológica está ancorada na perspectiva da análise de conteúdo de Laurence Bardin (2016), do (...)
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    What's in a Name? The Multiple Meanings of “Chunk” and “Chunking”.Fernand Gobet, Martyn Lloyd-Kelly & Peter C. R. Lane - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    (2 other versions)Brasil.Delamar José Volpato Dutra, Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand & Jovino Pizzi - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:163-182.
    PIZZI, Jovino; DUTRA, Delamar José Volpato. O sujeito pronominal e a gramática comunicativa: elementos para uma gramática da justiça. In: COLÓQUIO HABERMAS, 11.; COLÓQUIO DE FILOSOFIA DA INFORMAÇÃO, 2., 2015. Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...] Rio de Janeiro: Salute, 2016. Disponível em: https://coloquiohabermas.files. Acesso em: 25 abr. 2023.
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    From no whinge scenarios to viability tree.Luc Doyen, C. Armstrong, S. Baumgärtner, C. Béné, F. Blanchard, A. A. Cissé, R. Cooper, L. X. C. Dutra, A. Eide, D. Freitas, S. Gourguet, Felipe Gusmao, P.-Y. Hardy, A. Jarre, L. R. Little, C. Macher, M. Quaas, E. Regnier, N. Sanz & O. Thébaud - 2019 - Ecological Economics 163:183-188.
    Avoiding whinges from various and potentially conflicting stakeholders is a major challenge for sustainable development and for the identification of sustainability scenarios or policies for biodiversity and ecosystem services. It turns out that independently complying with whinge thresholds and constraints of these stakeholders is not sufficient because dynamic ecological-economic interactions and uncertainties occur. Thus more demanding no whinge standards are needed. In this paper, we first argue that these new boundaries can be endogenously exhibited with the mathematical concepts of viability (...)
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    Um olhar sobre o Projeto Político-Pedagógico à luz do sociointeracionismo de Vygotsky: um estudo de caso no município de Barro Preto-BA.Hugo de Souza Lima de Oliveira, Juliane Freire dos Santos & Adriana David Ferreira Gusmão - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):79-90.
    Este trabalho consistiu na análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) de uma escola do município de Barro Preto (BA), realizada sob a ótica da abordagem sociointeracionista, no qual buscamos identificar indícios que pudessem evidenciar a preocupação com o desenvolvimento cognitivo do estudante, que segundo Vygotsky (1998), é construído, em parte, pelo processo de maturação do sujeito, mas, também, por meio das influências sociais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental e a análise demonstrou que a escola defende o sociointeracionismo de Vygotsky no (...)
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    “Valentes de batina”: a coragem e o uso da violência por clérigos em Goiás.Eliézer Cardoso de Oliveira & Eduardo Gusmão de Quadros - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2168-2193.
    This article analyzes clerics who identified with the ethics of bravery. Bravery is an evaluative field based on the public display of courage and skill in the management of violence. In this sense, it was observed that among the Catholic clergy, a minority contingent, but heuristically representative, held typical actions of brave people, like the courage to kill another human being, or to use violence to solve everyday conflicts. The text is divided into three parts: the first, called "Catholic Church (...)
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  47. História natural do quisto sinovial do dorso do punho.Arlindo G. Pardini Jr, Afrânio D. Freitas & Niceias S. Gusmão Filho - forthcoming - História.
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    Design and typography: "Central to the idea of a book".Fernand Baudin - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14 (1):20-21.
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    Heidegger e o “ser-verdadeiro” em Aristóteles.Marcos Aurélio Fernandes - 2024 - Sofia 13 (2):13246527-13246527.
    A presente reflexão expõe a conferência de Heidegger, de 1924, a respeito do ser-verdadeiro em Aristóteles. Num exercício exegético e hermenêutico-filosófico, procura explicitar os seus motivos, as suas tendências e o seu fio condutor e pretende captar e trazer à luz as pressuposições de seus posicionamentos. O escopo é apreender e compreender a condição de possibilidade de tal posicionamento e suas implicações. Primeiramente, analisa os pontos de partida da consideração de Heidegger: verdade, conhecimento, ciência. Depois, ressalta as reflexões dele sobre (...)
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    T-Pattern Detection and Analysis of Football Players’ Tactical and Technical Defensive Behaviour Interactions: Insights for Training and Coaching Team Coordination.Tiago Fernandes, Oleguer Camerino & Marta Castañer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article aims to study the coordination of the defenders’ tactical and technical behaviour of successful teams to recover the ball according to contextual variables. A total of 15,369 events and 49 to 12,398 different patterns in 32 games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup’s play-offs were detected and analysed. Results evidenced a T-pattern of the first defender pressuring the ball carrier and his teammates concentrating at the same zone to cover him or space, leading to ball recovery. Field zones, (...)
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